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19. Lesson for two viols
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
17. We yet agree
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
112. Contrapunto secondo
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
111. Contrapunto primo
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
23. Fantasia duet
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
12. Questi che la città
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
11. Alle fiorite sponde
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
11. Alle fiorite sponde
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
12. Questi che la città
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
12. Questi che la città
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
11. Shut not, sweet breast
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
6d. Saltarello 1
Pietro Paolo Borrono
Rudolf Wyssenbach
Tabulaturbuch uff die Lutten
6a. Pavana Milanesa
Pietro Paolo Borrono
Rudolf Wyssenbach
Tabulaturbuch uff die Lutten
6a. Pavana Milanesa
Pietro Paolo Borrono
Rudolf Wyssenbach
Tabulaturbuch uff die Lutten
6d. Saltarello 1
Pietro Paolo Borrono
Rudolf Wyssenbach
Tabulaturbuch uff die Lutten
Will said to his Mammy
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Fourth book of ayres:A musical dream
Sweet Kate
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Fourth book of ayres
23. Duo
Melchiore de Barberiis
Melchiore de Barberiis
Intabolatura da Lauto, v.4
De France courant
Jacob van Eyck
Jacob van Eyck
Der Fluyten Lust-Hof
84. Sellenger’s round duet
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
85. The new hunt’s up
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
78. [Duet]
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
75. [Passamezzo moderno duet]
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
76. [Duet]
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
284. Good night and good rest
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
72. French galliard duet
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
73. [Dump]
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
74. Chi passa per ‘sta strada
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
69. Passamezzo duet
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
70. [Dump]
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
70. [Dump]
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
71. Wakefield on a green duet
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
68. Trenchmore
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
284. Good night and good rest
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
68. Trenchmore
John Johnson
IRL-Dm Archbishop Marsh’s Library
ms z.3.2.13:Marsh lute book
X5. Fantasia a dui liutti
Francesco da Milano
I-CFVc:Conservatorio di Musica Biblioteca
MS. w.s.
X5. Fantasia a dui liutti
Francesco da Milano
I-CFVc:Conservatorio di Musica Biblioteca
MS. w.s.
27. Two daughters of this aged stream
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
35. Your counsel, all, is urged in vain
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
28. Stay, Prince
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
4. Grief increases by concealing
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
Sound the trumpet
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z325:Sound the trumpet
89. Non mi toglia il ben mio
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.2
39. Aller my fault
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.2
30. Liquide perle
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.2
15. Canzone
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.1
12. Anchor ch’io possa dire
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.1
13. Susanne un jour
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.1
14. Petit Jacquet
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.1
10. Vestiva i colli
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.1
11. S’ogni mio ben
Giovanni A. Terzi
Giovanni A. Terzi
Intavolatura di Liuto, v.1
Duetto buffo di due gatti
Gioacchino Rossini
Gioacchino Rossini
Source unknown
102. Intrata 1 – Duet
Hans Leo Hassler
Georg L. Fuhrmann
Testudo Gallo-Germanica
30. John come kiss me now
GB-WPforester:Lord Forester Library
Welde lute book
31. Trenchmore
John Johnson
GB-WPforester:Lord Forester Library
Welde lute book
33. [The new hunt’s up]
John Johnson
GB-WPforester:Lord Forester Library
Welde lute book
Charon, O Charon
Robert Johnson
GB-Och:Christ Church Library, Oxford
Tenbury MS 1018
Ave Rosa sine spinas
Robert Johnson
GB-Ob:Bodleian Library, Oxford
MS Don.c.57
3. Goodnight
John Johnson
GB-NO:Nottingham University Library
Mi Lm 16 Willoughby lute book
3. Goodnight
John Johnson
GB-NO:Nottingham University Library
Mi Lm 16 Willoughby lute book
21. Echo almain
Francis Pilkington
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Sampson lute book
19. De la tromba pavane
Richard Allison
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Sampson lute book
1. Allemande
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Sampson lute book
6. Passingmeasures pavane
John Johnson
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Mynshall lute book
7. Greensleeves
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Mynshall lute book
42. Delight treble
John Johnson
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Margaret Board lute book
13. Spanish measures
Richard Allison
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Margaret Board lute book
1a. Bergamasca treble and ground
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Margaret Board lute book
1b. Bergamasca treble and ground
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Margaret Board lute book
Sir John Smith’s Almain
John Dowland
GB-Lbl:British Library
ms Add 38539:John Sturt lute book
11.Gentil prince de renom
Henry Tudor
GB-Lbl:British Library
Add. MS 31922
Suite for lute and viol
William Lawes
GB-Lbl:British Library
Add. MS 31432
46. Fantasia
?John? Marchant
GB-Eu:Edinburgh University Library
ms Dc.5.125:Thistlethwaite lute book
1. [Duet]
John Johnson
GB-Eu:Edinburgh University Library
ms Dc.5.125:Thistlethwaite lute book
154. Malt’s come down
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
156. My lord chamberlain’s galliard
John Dowland
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
101. Dump duet
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
34b. Flat pavane
John Johnson
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
95. Third jig duet
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
91. W and V pavane duet
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
90. Pavane duet
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
90. Pavane duet
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
83. Porter’s galliard
Walter Porter?
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
84. Emerald galliard
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
76. The bodkin
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
72. La bergera galliard
Philip Rosseter
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
75. Passamezzo galliard
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
71. Go merrily, wheel
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
67. Galliard
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
63. Alfonso’s pavane
Augustine Bassano
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
53. Jig
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
38. The marigold
Ellis Lawrey
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
39. Green garters
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
35. Flat galliard
John Johnson
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
37. Nightingale
Ennemond Gaultier?
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
34a. Flat pavane
John Johnson
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
28. Farewell
Anthony Holborne
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
30. Reade’s allemande
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
24. Goodnight
John Johnson
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
27. The leaves be green
John Johnson
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
22. Spanish pavane
Alfonso Ferrabosco I
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
23. Second jig
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
41. Divisions on a ground
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
1. Queen’s Treble
John Johnson
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
22. Pavane for lute and 6-course bass viol
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
11. Je ne fay [plus]
Francesco Spinacino
Francesco Spinacino
Intabulatura de Lauto, v.1
12. J’ai pris amour
Francesco Spinacino
Francesco Spinacino
Intabulatura de Lauto, v.1
8. Juli amours
Francesco Spinacino
Francesco Spinacino
Intabulatura de Lauto, v.1
9. De tous biens [pleine]
Francesco Spinacino
Francesco Spinacino
Intabulatura de Lauto, v.1
171. [Treble and ground]
Enriquez de Valderrábano
Enriquez de Valderrábano
Silva de Sirenas
Aveques vous
Orlando di Lasso
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
Veni in hortum meum
Orlando di Lasso
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
Appariran per me
Orlando di Lasso
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
Madonna mia pietà
Orlando di Lasso
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
38. Ranzon duet
D-LEm:Leipzig State Music Library
ms ii.6.15:Dlugorai lute book, v.8
36. Ranzon 1
D-LEm:Leipzig State Music Library
ms ii.6.15:Dlugorai lute book, v.8
Vorrei baciarti
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Settimo libro de Madrigali
Non vedrò mai le stelle
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Interrotte speranze
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
O sia tranquillo il mare
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Ogni amante
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Armato il cor
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Madrigali Guerrieri Et Amorosi, v.8
Qui deh meco t’arresta
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Madrigali Guerrieri Et Amorosi, v.8
Se vittorie si belle
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Madrigali Guerrieri Et Amorosi, v.8
Zefiro Torna
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Pur ti miro
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
L’incoronazione di Poppea SV308
Laudate Dominum
Claudio Monteverdi
Bartolomeo Magni
Selva morale e spirituale SV272
27. What shall I wish?
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
28. Tell me, O love
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
26. Fair cruel nymph
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
236. Hor musici cantiam
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
233. Sono le guancie [tue]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
234.Gentil rosa del mar
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
150. Sono i begli occhi
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
151a. Sono le ciglia tue
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
147. O musica
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
149. O fanciullin alato
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
141. Mein lieb will mit mir kriegen
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
129. Mirabiles [elationes maris]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
130. La bataglia
Orazio Vecchi
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
111. Mein hertz ist mir gen dir
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
O che felice giorno
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
75. O misere mio core
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
70. Dormiva dolce[mente]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
61. Alequantia
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
63. Pront’era [l’]alma [mia]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
64. Lieto godea [sedendo]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
66. Chiar[‘ Angioletta]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
57. Gio nimfa Echo
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
58. Echo
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
54. Canzon
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
55. Donna
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
34. Secunda pars
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
36.Ha[e]c est dies [quam fecit dominus?]
Jacobus Gallus?
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
28. Dum complerentur [dies Pentecostes]
Hans Leo Hassler
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
31. Jubilate deo [omnis terra]
Hans Leo Hassler
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
25. In tribulatione [dilatasti]
Camillo Zanotti
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
26. Egredimini [et videte]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
28. Angelus Domini [descendet]
Hans Leo Hassler
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
18. Verbum caro factum est
Hans Leo Hassler
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
20. Omnes gentes[, plaudite]
Hans Leo Hassler
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
21. Pater noster
Hans Leo Hassler
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
23. Quis novis [hic oritur]?
Hans Leo Hassler
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
14. Angelus Domini descendit
Giovanni Gabrieli
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
16. Jubilate [deo]
Giovanni Gabrieli
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
9. Hodie [completi sunt]
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
11. Hymnum
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
4. Adesto
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
6. Quem vidistis [pastores]
Giovanni Gabrieli
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
1. Exultate
A-LIa:Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv
HS. 475:Eysert Lute Book
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